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Impact refers to the long-term effects or changes that occur as a resut of the programs, practics, or policies implement within a comprehensive school mental health system (CSMHS), Documenting and reporting the impact of your CSMHS to a wide range of stakeholders is critical for sustainability. By having data on the impact of your CSMHS readily available, your school team will be optimally position to describe your success and advocate for ongoing funding, support, and resources.

The School Mental Health Quality Guides is a series developed by the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) for The School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation (SHAPE) System. The Quality Guides provide guidance to school mental health systems to advance the quality of their services and supports. The guides contain background information on each domain, best practices, possible action steps, examples from the field, and resource guidance.

All resources referenced in the Quality Guide, along with many others, can be found in the SHAPE system resource center.