SHAPE Assessments Flowchart Description
This image above is a flowchart titled 'Assessments on the School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation (SHAPE) System.' The flowchart provides a clear, suggested order of assessment completion tailored for individual, school, district, and entity accounts in the SHAPE System. At the top right, there are logos of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the National Center for School Mental Health. Below these logos, the main heading states that the SHAPE System offers many tools to improve school mental health systems. The flowchart begins with a recommended starting point: the 'School Mental Health Profile,' represented by a blue rectangular box. An arrow points right to the next step, the 'School Mental Health Quality Assessment,' also depicted in a blue box. Below these initial assessments, the chart branches out into additional assessments available for further quality improvement engagement. These include 'Culturally Responsive, Anti-Racist, and Equitable Schools Quality Assessment,' 'School Mental Health Family Engagement Quality Assessment,' 'Organizational Well-being Inventory for Schools,' and 'Trauma-Responsive Schools Implementation Assessment.' Each of these is shown in separate blue boxes aligned horizontally. Toward the bottom of the flowchart, specific assessments are recommended for different types of accounts. For state accounts, indicated by a leftward arrow, there is the 'State School Mental Health Profile.' For pre-school accounts, shown with a rightward arrow, there is the 'School Mental Health Quality Assessment – Pre-School.’