Youth Care Coordination
The National Center for School Mental Health (through a partnership with the Office on Mental Health, Core Service Agency of Harford County, Inc.) serves as the technical assistance and training organization for the Maryland Behavioral Health Administration in its management of Youth Care Coordination (YCC) in the State of Maryland. This website serves as the central repository for core resources and documents in support of Care Coordination Organizations (CCOs) in Maryland. This website houses the most up-to-date* resources available to youth care coordinators and supervisors.
General YCC Training
Upcoming Trainings
ACE Interface for Youth Care Coordinators
Courtesy of Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration (BHA)
January 29, 2025: 10am-12pm ET
Presented by Adam Johnson, LCPC, Chalarra A. Sessoms, LCSW-C, and D’Lisa Worthy, M.Ed.
Download the ACE Interface for Youth Care Coordinators Flyer 2025
Family Engagement Techniques for Youth Care Coordinators (May 22, 2024)
Presented by Cindy Schaeffer, PhD
Download the Family Engagement Techniques for Youth Care Coordinators Flier 2024
Motivational Interviewing for Youth Care Coordinators (February 14, 2024 & March 6, 2024)
Presented by Melissa Grady Ambrose, MSW, LCSW-C
Resource Guide: Motivational Interviewing for Youth Care Coordinators
Download the Motivational Interviewing for Youth Care Coordinators Flier 2024
The Maryland Youth Care Coordinator Training Series: The Maryland Youth Care Coordinator Training Series provides comprehensive knowledge and best practices in youth care coordination to care coordinators and behavioral health professionals. This training is designed to provide foundational knowledge related to youth and behavioral health, as well as training on core youth care coordination skills.
*Note: The above link will take you to a general Online Training webpage. Scroll down until you reach The Maryland Youth Care Coordinator Training Series to register for and access the course.
MD YCC Training Requirements: This document outlines the training requirements for new youth care coordinators, new youth care coordinator supervisors, and annual updates mandated by the Maryland Behavioral Health Administration (BHA).
Biannual Training Reports: NCSMH provides updates to youth care coordination supervisors on their staff’s completion of training requirements every six months (in March and September of each year). To confirm completion at dates other than this, please e-mail
YCC Tools and Resources
Chart Review Checklist: This is a three-page document useful for ensuring that the client’s paper and electronic files are complete. Sections included are General Client Information, Initial Referral Information, Releases of Information, Mental Health Information, Mental Health Service Provider Information, School Information, School Paperwork, Legal Information, Medical Information, Referrals Made, and Insurance / Staffing Paperwork. Additionally, this document has a location to track Child and Family Team (CFT) Meetings, Electronic Medical Records, and Discharge Paperwork.
YCC Flier for Families: This document provides brief information for families on the benefits of YCC and how to contact a CCO.
Targeted Case Management (TCM)
TCM Level III Request Guide: This document guides Youth Care Coordinators (YCCs) through the process of completing the TCM Level III Request form and provides helpful examples and tips.
TCM Referral Form (Fillable): This document is a two-page fillable form to refer clients for TCM services. This form is completed by the Youth Care Coordinator (YCC) in collaboration with the client or family recommended to receive services.
TCM Plus Referral Guide: This document contains information about TCM Plus benefits. Included are all the necessary forms to complete a referral to receive TCM Plus benefits as well and the associated monthly documentation for ongoing services.
TCM Plus Referral Form: This document is a one-page fillable form to refer clients for TCM Plus services. This form is completed by the YCC in collaboration with the client or family recommended to receive services.
TCM Plus Monthly Report: This document is a fillable document to track enrollment for monthly reporting to BHA.
TCM Plus Bi-Annual Report: This document is completed twice a year for BHA.
New C&A Provider Protocol for TCM: A guide for new providers to obtain their National Provider Identifier (NPI) # and Medical Assistance (MA) #, as well as contact information for technical support.
Webinar: Targeted Case Management (TCM) ad 1915(i) Home and Community Based Services - Updates and Recent Changes (September 30th, 2020)
1915i/Level III
Level III Eligibility Review: YCCs may complete this form to consider Level III eligibility for youth currently enrolled in Level II services.
Psychosocial Update Letter Template: This draft letter serves as a template to accompany updated psychosocial information sent to LBHAs and CSAs as a part of requests to authorize youth enrollment in TCM Plus (III) / 1915(i) care coordination services.
Complaints & Reportable Events Policy and Procedure: CCOs complete this document within seven (7) days of a reportable event (e.g. abuse, neglect, exploitation, restraint, seclusion). This document is also used for reporting additional serious events and incidents, including: criminal activity, life threatening injury or illness, a death, incarceration, attempted suicide, or any unusual event that may involve legal claims or media attention.
1915i Provider Directory: This up-to-date list from the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Authority (BHA) comprises all providers of: Intensive In-Home Services (IIHS), Respite Care Services, Family Peer Support Services, and Expressive and Experiential Behavioral Services.
Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment (CANS) Training
TCOM Training Guide: This document describes how to navigate the TCOM Training website which hosts the CANS training required for all CCOs.
Once logged in to the TCOM Training website, the possible exams are: Maryland CANS 5+ 1.0, Maryland CANS-F 1.0, Standard CANS Comprehensive. Additionally, some agency types will populate the NCTSN CANS Trauma Comprehensive. The Maryland CANS 5+ 1.0 and Maryland CANS-F 1.0 are typically used by DSS and DSS-contracted private providers, the CANS Comprehensive is what CCOs use in practice. In terms of practice, all the versions have slightly different items but passing any of the aforementioned versions allows someone to be certified in all the CANS tools.
Primary Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) for YCCs
COMAR Online provides searchable access to the full list of regulations updated biweekly
09.89.00- 1915(i) Intensive Behavioral Health Services for Children, Youth, and Families
- Definitions
- Participant Eligibility
- Conditions for Provider Participation
- Limitations
09.90.00- Mental Health Case Management: Care Coordination for Children and Youth
- Definitions
- Participant Eligibility
- Participant Eligibility, Level I - General Care Coordination
- Participant Eligibility, Level II - Moderate Care Coordination
- Participant Eligibility, Level III - Intensive Care Coordination
- Conditions for Provider Participation
- Limitations
Customized Goods and Services (CGS)
Meeting-Related Documents
Meeting Schedules
2024-25 Meeting Schedule: Meetings are held every other month over Zoom
Meeting Minutes
Contact Information
Youth Care Coordination Supervisors & Key Staff Roster
Care Coordination Organization (CCO) Contacts: This document contains contact information for Care Coordination Organizations (CCOs) across Maryland.
LBHA and CSA Contacts: The Maryland Association of Behavioral Health Authorities (MABHA) website maintains up-to-date contact information for Local Behavioral Health Authorities (LBHAs) and Core Service Agencies (CSAs) across Maryland.
For questions related to scheduled meetings, resources, or online training modules, please contact
*Last website update: 3/10/25